Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yahoo does it again

Again, Yahoo is screwin me bigtime by charging me over 2 weeks in advance for domain renewals. Part my fault, I should have moved the domains, tho I was told the process would take more than 30 days, so I back off, but now Yahoo is F'ing me and its freakin pissing me off. 18 days in advance screws me out of money I need for food and rent, when actually there is a 30 day grace period for beyond you original registration period. I cannot go into Yahoo and take out my debit card number, they've got me (screwed). If I take money out of the account, I will go negative. What a bunch of f'd up bullshit this is. Yahoo is a bunch of insecure, self absorbed, gluttonous piece of shit.

1 comment:

EyeWierd said...

Seems like your in bad shape... Another persons life, all lost to Yahoo...